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Please complete the following form to become a Host Site for the Summer 2024 McMinnville WORKS Internship Program.
Company Name:
2) Are you able to hire an intern full-time at minimum wage for a 9 week internship program? (mid June - mid August, length may vary by employer).
8) What will their position(s) or project focus be? Please provide a Title and a short Job Description.
MEDP serves as the internship program manager responsible for marketing the internship positions, developing and sorting the applications, creating intern candidate packets appropriate to each host company, producing the weekly Professional Development Workshops, collecting data, creating marketing materials and hiring the internship program coordinator for the summer.
Each Host Site has a one time $300 participation fee to cover the cost of program administration upon hiring an intern/s. Host sites are billed in June. If you would like to discuss other options, please contact me.
Please select "Submit" to complete your form.
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